
Dos and don'ts: Going back to school after the lockdown

This 'back to school' time is going to be very different than the one after a vacation. Your child may be fearful of the Coronavirus or may be too excited to go back to normal! Either way, there are a set of precautionary rules you may need to teach them in order to ensure their safety when they're back to school.

Cough or sneeze in your elbow
Respiratory hygiene is a necessary lesson to imbibe within our children whether we're in the midst of a pandemic or not. It isn't enough to cover our mouth and nose with our hand as the germs may still spread via our palms. Instead, it is recommended we sneeze and/or cough into our elbows.

Don't share your water bottle or spoon
Recess is a great time for children to socialize, often through sharing of food. Children also tend to share water bottles. Although sharing is a great quality, given current circumstances, it is not wise to share food and water. Ask your child to refrain from sharing their water bottles and transferring the food they'd like to share with their friends into their tiffins with a clean, unused spoon or fork.

Choose waving over handshakes
Try to teach your children to limit the hugs and handshakes for a little while longer. Limiting physical contact may help students stay safe. There is so much joy in a friendly wave and an excited “hello”!

Maintain one-arm-distance
Children are often asked to maintain one-arm-distances during their assembly. Why not incorporate this in everyday life? It is a great way to teach them the concept of social distancing.

We want what's best for your child, just like you. We hope our tips help ease your worries about sending your child back into the outside world and prepare them to stay safe. Share this blog with fellow parents and show it to your child as well! Stay safe.



Limited seats only available for Grades - 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th