
5 successful parenting secrets for harmony between siblings who don't get along

Tired of the sibling rivalry? Worried about your children not getting along? In this blog, DYPDSS has got you covered with parenting secrets that make all the difference in raising siblings who don't get along

Each child is unique and has its own and distinct personality and that is ought to be loved by every parent. But sometimes distinct personalities can lead to personality clashing and those clashes can lead to sibling rivalry. Seeing children fight can be heartbreaking for every parent! So, here are 5 parenting secrets you should consider adhering to:

  • Schedule family time
    Spend some valuable time with your family every day; it doesn't matter what you do, it's the time together that's important. Encourage interacting activities where you get to bond with your family and allow space for talking and laughing.
  • Teach and practice mutual respect
    Teach your children to respect everyone's emotions, maybe it's over-reaction as well. Make them understand the essence of what emotions are and how it adds a unique element to everyone's life. Model the same respect while you are dealing with children and their emotions.
  • Encourage problem-solving
    If you have to moderate a disagreement, focus on core facts and solve the problem. Be aware and patient while resolving the issue.
  • Do not let your children prioritize objects over siblings
    Children could fight over a toy, book, or a computer game. Enforce a rule where they will lose the privilege of using that object if abused. Make them understand no object is more important than your sibling.
  • Recognize the good things they do for each other
    Positive reinforcements go a long way! Notice and praise the small kindnesses your children do for each other.

Above all, always give them a chance to find their solutions on their own. May these tips help you prevent siblings' rivalry and raise them to get along. Stay tuned for more parenting blogs



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